
Dreamed in Brazil.
Shared with the world.

It all started with a dream. It was spring of 2005 when the founder of the company dreamed of preparing a different recipe. He mixed ingredients and shaped a sweet that would be baked. Upon waking up in the middle of the night, he felt that that dream would change his life. Immediately, he began to make the recipe that he had learned in such a special way. Right there, in the kitchen of his home, with the help of his family, Dreams Coconut Cookie was born.

Today, the recipe is no longer prepared at home and the coconut cookie is no longer sold door-to-door: it is present in stores, bars, and supermarkets throughout the national territory and is exported to countries such as Argentina, the United States, and China. But the company makes a point of maintaining the artisanal process, the high-quality ingredients, and the care that give Dreams Coconut Cookie a delicious and unparalleled taste.